Select Your Retreat
January 10-17, 2025: Moonlight on the Snow Retreat with Jack Connelly
January 24-26, 2025: Vegan Cooking Workshop with Zenryu Owatari
February 14-23: Four Immeasurables Retreat with Derek Rasmussen
March 12-16, 2025: Retreat with Bill Knight
March 21-23: Embrace the Void: Unlocking the Wisdom of Prajna Paramita Retreat with Lama Linda
April 4-6: Introduction to Zen retreat with Dragan Petrovic
April 11-17: View, Meditation and Action Retreat with Jack Connelly
April 19-24: The Union of the Foundations of Mindfulness( Satipathana) with the Meditation on Breathing( Anapanasati) Retreat with Steven Gellman
April 25-28: Transcendent Sound and Music Retreat with Steven Gellman and Ann-Marie Boudreau
May 2-11: Colours of the Mind: What Moves you? Retreat with Terry and Mala
May 16-19: The Five Buddhas Families - Five Qualities of Energy - Retreat with Kim Sawyer
June 6-11: Zen Sesshin with Dragan Petrovic
June 20-22 : Mindfulness Intensive Explorations in Feldenkrais & Breathing with Jamie van Dam
June 27-29: Retreat with Greg Samuelson
Aug 8-13: Pathways to Awakening: A Journey through Bardos and Death Practices in Vajrayana Buddhism Retreat with Lama Linda
Nov 7-14: Awakening through Dream Yoga Retreat with Lama Linda
Sept 19-25: Womb Wisdom Retreat with Terry & Mala
Arrival Date
Departure Date
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency contact phone number
Select your preferred payment method (please note that e-transfer preferred)
E-transfer (send e-transfers to:
Credit Card (please call our office at 705-488-2704 to process payment)
Additional messages about payment?
Diet Preference - Please check off which dietary preference or combination of preferences you require.
Omnivore (I will eat animal protein, dairy, gluten & vegetables)
Vegetarian (I will eat dairy and eggs)
Gluten Free
Nut Allergy
I have other allergies or requirements (please note below)
Tell us if you have other serious dietary concerns and/or allergies
Do you need a ride?
Please note that it may not be guaranteed that we can arrange a pick-up. For full details and questions about this please contact the Retreat Coordinator at
Fenelon Falls Pickup (pre-retreat)
Fenelon Fall Drop-off (post-retreat)
Are you willing to offer a ride to others?
Are you willing to share a room?
Please read the following section carefully: While many meditation practices are beneficial, some practices and retreat experiences may be powerful, negative, or disturbing, and not all retreats are suitable for every person. Those with mental illness or mental health concerns may have a particularly difficult time with some practices. If you are under the care of a doctor for a physical or psychological condition we recommend speaking to them about whether this type of intensive work is appropriate for you. If you have concerns or questions, please contact the Dharma Centre directly to be put in touch with the retreat instructor who can help you determine if this retreat is right for you. This information will be received by the retreat administrator and may be shared with the retreat teacher to determine suitability. This information will remain confidential and will be securely disposed of after your retreat. With the previous in mind:
I read this section
Do you have any other physical or mental health consideration you'd like us to know about?
Do you have any physical limitations that would prevent you from participating in the daily task period (generosity yoga)?:
Have you done retreats before - silent or otherwise?
Where did you hear about this retreat?
Internet Search
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
Email Newsletter
Friend or Family Recommendation
Flyers or Posters
Online Advertisement
Other (Please Specify)
Are you a Dharma Centre Member? Being a member can discount the cost of your retreat.
Additional donation - Your registration helps support low-income practitioners to be in retreat at the DCC. If you wish to donate and receive a tax receipt for your additional contribution, please indicate below how much you would like to contribute.
No donation, thank-you.
The Dharma centre is raising funds to uplift many buildings on the property: Please indicate below if you wish to give a $10 a day optional surcharge towards this important resource.
Yes, I would like to add a $10 a day surcharge
No, I prefer not to make a contribution
Yes, I would like to offer an alternative amount (specify below).
If you have chosen option 3 please specify the amount you wish to contribute:
I would like to receive prayers request emails.
SUBSCRIBE below to opt in to the Dharma Centre of Canada email list
Thank you for registering for a retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada!
Your retreat registration has successfully been submitted.
You will receive a confirmation email from our Retreat Administrator within 1-2 days confirming your place on the course.
After this you will be required to make a 50% deposit to hold your place.