The Original Explorer of the Universe
Lama Couples 1997, photograph by Linda Hochstetler
Earlier this year, I was reflecting fondly on all the natural science explorations that we did with Namgyal Rinpoche. I conjured up a weekend retreat called Exploring the Universe based on these memories, complete with ‘loot bags’ of magnifying lens, pencil crayons, bubbles, and guided meditations from his book, Body of Truth.
You see, no matter what the retreat or course topic was called, Namgyal Rinpoche would always send us out on the land to look up, look down, and look anywhere but our own puny neuroses. I can still hear him compelling us to, ‘Shut up and get out of the way!” He taught us to travel while staying put. And in all moments, to explore!
Rinpoche encouraged us to count insects, to feel the soil, and to lay down in the grasses with the dragon flies. Other times we looked up in the sky at night at the stars and planets or meditated on deep space with our eyes closed. Always it was tiny, microscopic views balanced by expansive views of the universe. There was just no way to stay interested in one’s own ego or stories when spending time with such extremes.
Often when retreats ended, he’d invite small groups to visit him at his house. There, in Kinmount, we’d listen to opera and he’d pull out mementos from his travels around the world. Terry would manifest amazing food and we’d be regaled with stories from his Dharma trips with students to all corners of the world. I remember, in particular, the gemstone night, when we got to view countless precious and semi-precious gemstones in all colours of the rainbow with names I’d never heard of before.
Another memorable night in Kinmount was passed smelling perfumes. Namgyal brought back perfumes in their singular origins, not mixed as they usually are in commercial form. Now I’m not usually a perfume person, but the headiness of these scents struck deep in my psyche, and I was deeply moved, and I’ll never forget my first introduction to Ylang-Ylang.
We are blessed to have a sacred land that has born witness to the teachings of this great explorer. The Dharma Centre has continued to honour Namgyal Rinpoche’s essence, and to hold the space for ongoing unfoldment of beings. I bow humbly to Namgyal Rinpoche and his great vision for us all.
Love, Linda
by Linda Hochstetler