Retreat at the Dharma Centre...even during the Pandemic
Photograph by Kim Rose
To retreat, to be in the quiet, the stillness… is much easier to do when at the Dharma Center. Regular daily distractions in my home are not encountered here… although there is a mosquito or two to be found. 😉
Who would have thought I would find myself as grateful as I am for technology? Without it, moving through this pandemic would have been much more difficult. Lama Lena was not able to travel to Canada as planned but the retreat was still able to go on and those in attendance benefited from her teachings because of technology. Attending retreat in person is very different than virtually of course but I find it interesting how much of a connection is still felt through the net. I love how honest, real and direct Lama Lena is. She makes accessing and understanding these teachings easier.
During the retreat, I was able to practice karma yoga by painting an area that needed a bit of a freshening up. Maintaining the practice set out by Lama Lena, while at the same time being engaged in service had its challenges, but had far greater benefits. I found myself filled with so much joy and gratitude, covered in paint and a bit tired by day’s end, exactly what was needed. This was topped off by my first visit from a resident deer who stood quietly watching for some time. It was so beautiful; if only I had had my camera close by. ☺
Lucky for me, I live pretty close to the Dharma Center. It feels like it is in my back yard. Looking forward to spending more time here this fall… being of service, walking the land – amongst the energy and wisdom of those that came before and are here now – and under the darkest star-filled sky.
In deep gratitude.
by Kim Rose